Myphotoagency was chosen by the Honest team to organise photo shoots aiming at communicate about this young brand on their social networks. Honest is a bio beverage part of the Coca Cola group.  Stylism, organisation of the shoots, editing : the process has been entirely handled by MyPhotoAgency respecting short deadlines. Objective achieved : the result corresponds to our new (and particularly nice) customer's expectations. Let's have a look at these pictures :)

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réseau photographes professionnels europe myphotoagency photos natures mortes réseaux sociaux Instagram Facebook honest coca cola

réseau photographes professionnels europe myphotoagency photos natures mortes réseaux sociaux Instagram Facebook honest coca cola

réseau photographes professionnels europe myphotoagency photos natures mortes réseaux sociaux Instagram Facebook honest coca cola

réseau photographes professionnels europe myphotoagency photos natures mortes réseaux sociaux Instagram Facebook honest coca cola

réseau photographes professionnels europe myphotoagency photos natures mortes réseaux sociaux Instagram Facebook honest coca cola

réseau photographes professionnels europe myphotoagency photos natures mortes réseaux sociaux Instagram Facebook honest coca cola

It’s been a challeging and motivating task : immerse in our customers’ brand identity and help them define their entire photographical image especially for their digital communication. Doing it for the young brand Honest – a beverage we love – was even more exciting. If you want to structure the production of your audiovisual contents for their Instragram and Facebook account. Our team of project managers and expert photographers would be happy to collaborate. On a short term and with an optimised budget,  we are committed to deploying a precisely sized production to deliver adapted and quality visuals. You can reach us any time at the following number 020 3445 5724 or write us :

Lancez-vous !

Vous avez un projet de shooting à organiser ? Ne vous souciez de rien, on s’occupe de tout pour vous ! Planifiez un rendez-vous avec notre équipe en cliquant ici ou envoyez-nous votre brief