Place your bets, no more bets ! It's so exciting to go behind the scenes of a casino photographing Barrière Group establishments. Game rooms of course but also restaurants, bars, lounge, outdoor spaces ... All these spaces were shot by the professional photographers partners of Myphotoagency !
That will make you want to play :)
Thanks to its network of 3,500 professional photographers partners throughout Europe and its know-how in the deployment of establishements photo shoots, Myphotoagency supports both hotel chains and retail chains in producing photos / videos.
Do you want to have quality visual content to illustrate your points of sale? Call us on 020 3445 5512 or write to us at to discuss it!
Lancez-vous !
Vous avez un projet de shooting à organiser ? Ne vous souciez de rien, on s’occupe de tout pour vous ! Planifiez un rendez-vous avec notre équipe en cliquant ici ou envoyez-nous votre brief